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English 4U2

La padronanza della lingua inglese – o meglio, il coraggio di lanciarsi e saper comunicare attraverso questa lingua – è fondamentale per il successo nel mondo del lavoro e non solo. A volte questa opportunità viene vissuta come un’imposizione e troppo spesso genera ansia da prestazione.

In today’s world, being able to understand and use the English language – or more importantly, having the courage to start communicating in English – is fundamental, and not just in the world of work.  At times though, the need to learn and speak English can make non-native speakers feel incredibly anxious;  English can appear to be an enormous problem, rather than an incredible opportunity. 


Il progetto, realizzato dal Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI) dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo è nato come percorso rivolto alle studentesse e agli studenti dell’ultimo triennio degli Istituti di Istruzione Secondaria, e attraverso il MOOC è messo a disposizione anche di coloro che desiderano trovare il coraggio di mettersi in gioco e praticare la ‘Learning Zone’, anziché la ‘Performing Zone’.

Ciascuno dei nove moduli del percorso comprende un’attività di warm-up, una video-lezione e un test sui contenuti della lezione. Ogni modulo sarà in grado di migliorare un importante aspetto del bagaglio di conoscenze necessarie nel mondo del lavoro che non si rivolge esclusivamente alla “Generazione Z”, ma interessa chiunque desidera ‘sapere’ e soprattutto ‘saper essere’.

Course objectives

This project was originally developed by the staff of the University of Urbino’s Language Teaching Center and the Department of Communication, the Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI), with the aim of helping Italian secondary school students to change their perspective.

Through the MOOC platform, the project has now been made available to anyone who would like to understand how to find the courage to meet this challenge and discover that they don’t always need to feel they are in the ‘Performance Zone’ when using English!  Instead, this project will challenge you to experience language learning in a different way: that is, to understand and believe that the best way to improve is by spending your time in the ‘Learning Zone’, where making mistakes is simply a normal part of the learning process.

Each of the ten modules in this course begins with a warm-up activity to help you immediately get started using the language actively, followed by a video-lesson and related short videos. You’ll have the opportunity to dig deeper into the topics discussed, to explain your thoughts and then to check your understanding with simple quizzes after each task.  The final activity of each module will push you to use your creativity, to express your ideas and write about yourself, your ideas and your goals.


Il corso si articola in 10 moduli, ulteriormente suddivisi in lezioni e test di consolidamento.

1. Introduction: Dream Big, Fly high!  (2 hours)

English is a tool that can help you build the future you are dreaming of, so it’s important not to be afraid of making mistakes! With this course, you will discover paths that will help you stay in the Learning Zone, and understand that you don’t always have to be in the Performance zone!

In this first module you will learn about the power of belief and hear some new ideas about how to get better at things you really care about. You’ll start by listening to the stories of some amazing young people from around the globe who use English as a tool to reach their goals.

2. Make your voice heard!  (2 hours)

What is important to you? What are your dreams? What do you care about? What kind of job would you like to do in the future?

This module will encourage you to reflect on your interests and passions, what you care about the most, and what you would be ready to fight to protect or defend. You’ll learn new language strategies to invent effective slogans in English and that you can use in expressing your opinions and ideas.

3. Instructions and advice (2 hours)

If you want to see some changes in the world around you, you’re going to need to be able to explain your ideas clearly. In this unit we’ll ask you to think some more about what you’re passionate about, and what you’re good at! You’ll learn about the language used in instructions, and how to give people information and advice effectively.

4. Changing hearts, Changing minds (2 hours)

How can you convince people to listen to your ideas and see things from a fresh perspective?

In this module you’ll learn more about rhetorical strategies to change people’s hearts and minds.

5. Soft skills & hard skills… and finding the right job for you (2 hours)

In this unit, you’ll start to identify your strengths and think about how to find the right job for you!

You’ll begin by learning about the concept of hard skills vs. soft skills, and by thinking about what soft skills you might need in different kinds of jobs.

Everyone has their own special mix of soft skills, and you can use and build yours to find your dream job and a bright career!

6. Tell your story! Learn how to create a CV and cover letter to send to potential employers (2 hours)

In this module you’ll learn how to use the Europass online tools to create a personal profile and a curriculum vitae that highlights your experiences and explains who you are, by underlining your skills and interests.

7. Spread your wings and fly! (2 hours)

Does the idea of working in English scare you or inspire you? Why? Have you ever dreamed of a study or work experience abroad?

In this module, you’ll learn more about how strong English language skills can help you in your career. You’ll hear about the experiences of many different young Italians, including Alessandra Micoli, who studied at the University of Urbino and now works at Nintendo’s European headquarters in Stuttgart.

You’ll also learn a little bit about the Erasmus+ program and the opportunities it makes available to European citizens, and take a look at the LinkedIn social network for the world of work.

8. Job Interviews: practice makes perfect! (2 hours)

Your first job isn’t always that fun and exciting, and it usually isn’t the job of your dreams… but the right attitude can make it a learning experience that will help you build your future!

In this unit you’ll learn how to prepare for your first job interview. We’ll talk about typical questions employers ask, and how to show potential employers that you are a great candidate for a job.

9. Starting your own business (3 hours)

Do you dream of starting your own business? In this module, you’ll learn about some of the first steps involved in making that dream a reality.

You’ll begin by identifying an unsatisfied need or a problem in your community that you think you can help solve. Then, you’ll learn how to:

    • describe your idea and goals
    • do a SWOT analysis for your business idea
    • write a Mission & Vision Statement for your business, and
    • create a simple Business Plan.

10. Conclusion

Modalità di Partecipazione

Il corso non ha pre-requisiti e la partecipazione è libera e gratuita.

Come per tutta la didattica aperta UniUrb, per seguire il corso basta un click. Se questo è il primo MOOC che segui sulla nostra piattaforma devi scegliere con quale account fare login (Google, Facebook, Uniurb) o registrare nuove credenziali di accesso. Il tuo account consentirà alla piattaforma di tenere traccia delle tue configurazioni e dei tuoi progressi, per migliorare la tua esperienza d’uso e certificare i risultati.

Enrolment in the course

This course has no pre-requisites, and is free and open to anyone who wishes to take it.

As is the case with all University of Urbino open courses, to enrol, all you need to do is click.  If this is the first MOOC that you’ll be taking on our platform, you’ll need to decide which account to log in with (Google, Facebook, Uniurb), or else register to receive your Uniurb credentials, before you’re able to access the course.  Your account will make it possible for the platform to track your configurations and progress, improve your user experience,  and provide certification of the results you achieve.

Certificazioni e riconoscimenti

Il completamento di tutte le attività previste, che includono la visione delle video-lezioni, la visione dei contenuti aggiuntivi, il superamento dei test di verifica della comprensione e la consegna di tutti i compiti, è certificato da un attestato rilasciato sia in formato pdf stampabile che in formato open badge.

Certification and recognition of work completed

Certification that you have completed the course will be provided in the form of a printable pdf file and in the form of an Open badge, upon completion of all of the activities foreseen.  To obtain the certificate, you will need to:

    • watch all the video-lessons,
    • open and examine all the materials provided,
    • successfully complete all tests to check your understanding, and
    • complete and upload all the obligatory final writing tasks.
Enrica Rossi

Enrica Rossi


Ricercatrice Universitaria in Didattica delle Lingue Moderne

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